Most blogs or article will provide you with information in regards to the things you should do when doing guest posts. Unfortunately, only a few (or none at all) will give you the data about the mistakes that a lot of people do once they create guest posts. Let us all understand that doing or following some tips does certainly not show that it will also help us avoid common guest posting mistakes, Yes, it could increase our chances of having published guest posts however it generally does not show that it reduces our risks of committing various guest posting mistakes.
This short article will serve as your guide in regards to the things that you should NOT DO when doing guest posts. With your tips, you are able to surely catch the attention and the approval of the owner of your target blog. Let's start!
To start with, most people who do guest posts commit the mistake of accomplishing or creating the guest post before they notify or pitch the blog owner. Always bear in mind that every story or article that will be published in a web log is put through the approval of a web log owner. He must have the control over what type of information should appear in his blog. With this in mind, it is best that you email him some story ideas that you may want to create about. This should be presented clearly, detailed with bullet-pointed ideas and points. Enable the blog owner to decide on which story idea he thinks could be best for his readers.
Next, you should avoid sending story ideas if you haven't done your fair share of research. It is best that you pay attention to the way the blogger writes his post. Every blogger has this certain blog format, know what it is then make an effort to copy it. Also, it is best that you try reading a number of the blogger's previous posts to give you a concept about what his views or beliefs are. Of course, any guest post that will contradict the theory or the idea of his previous post will really be disapproved
Also, not sending in writing samples is a certain no-no. Most bloggers do not have the luxury of time to switch e-mails with you, most particularly if he won't be able to use your post. In order not in order to avoid both of your time, it is likely to be best if you'd show him some of one's writing samples. You do not have to make a new one, just show him some previous guest posts that you've created. In this manner, the blog owner can get to find out if your writing style is a good fit to his blog.
Lastly, try to avoid making your blog post solely about your opinion. In regards to business blogs, a personal opinion does not matter at all. To be able to show the readers how reliable your content is, you should make use of research charts. As well as that, support all your opinions with expert quotes. This may surely enable you to gain the trust of one's readers